23 Oct The COVID-19 Swab Test
All You Need to Know About Taking The COVID-19 Swab Test in SP Care Group (With A List of Clinics You Can Get Tested At!)
The COVID-19 Swab Test
With the recent spikes of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia, it’s totally normal to feel worried, anxious, and even paranoid as you check the number of cases every evening. It also doesn’t help when we’re all bombarded with the daily circulation of news on locations and shopping malls where new cases have been detected!
If you’re worried you have the coronavirus and contemplating whether to get tested for it – know that you’re not in this alone. Read our guide on getting a COVID-19 swab test in Selangor, covering all the questions you have in mind, from where to get one, does it hurt as much as others tell you, and whether you should really get tested.
Answers to All Your quires About the Swab Test
1. What Is A Swab Test?
A swab test is an easy, effective, and fast way to diagnose whether you have an active coronavirus infection or not. Samples are taken from your nose and throat with a specialized swab, put into a sterile container, and transported to a lab for testing.
There are 2 types of swab tests – a molecular test (PCR) and an antigen test. A PCR test is the more common and recommended test to go for as it’s more accurate than an antigen test (although antigen tests produce results faster and are less expensive). Should your antigen test show a negative result although you display COVID symptoms, you may be asked to carry out a molecular test for double-confirmation.
2. How Is It Done?
A COVID-19 swab test involves the insertion of a 6-inch cotton-tipped swab (something like a long Q-tip/cotton bud) into the cavity between your nose and mouth (the nasopharynx). The swab will be inserted for around 15 seconds per nostril and rotated a few times to collect sufficient material for testing. The material is then sent to a lab for testing, and you will usually be informed of your results within the next day or two.
3. How Does It Feel?
Or in other words: does it hurt? We’re just going to say – it’s not as bad as you think or have heard about. Most people who’ve undergone the procedure merely describe the process to be slightly uncomfortable and unpleasant, but painless. Besides, the discomfort is over quickly and usually lasting only around 5 seconds. Your eyes may however get watery when you get swabbed, but hey, that’s just a normal reaction when something is shoved up your nostril – so don’t worry! Another reaction that some testers may get is a gag reflex as the swab will also touch the back of your throat.
4. Where Can I Take A Swab Test?

Not all medical Clinics in SP Care Group providing swab test services. In clinic SP Care Rawang Mutiara, we are providing COVID-19 swab tests.
Book an appointment today
5. How Much Does It Cost?
A PCR swab test generally costs between RM300 – RM450, depending on the facility you visit. If you are thinking for test give a call to check their accurate rates and place an appointment.
6. When Will I Get My Results?

Test results usually take between 48 – 72 hours to be ready (sometimes faster). Depending on the health facility, you will be informed of your results via call, email, or courier mail. In the mean time you are recommended to practice self-quarantine while pending for your test results, and follow the advice of your health care provider.
7. Should I Get Tested?

People with and without symptoms of COVID-19 choose to get tested for peace of mind and so they don’t spread the virus to the people they come in contact if, should they be a carrier of it. You are recommended to get tested if you:
- Display symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g: dry cough, fever)
- Have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19
- Have had travel history to a red zone